Mikhail Zuevskiy

Зуевский.JPGDate and place of birth: Mikhail Zuevskiy was born in Taiga city, Kemerovo Region on May 26, 1959.

Education: Graduated from the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (Novosibirsk).

Experience: Worked in various engineering organizations, from 1996 to 1999 was the Head of Karatuzsky District, in March 1999 headed the Department of Capital Construction of the Krasnoyarsk region. From 2001 to 2006 he held senior positions in the Main Department of the building complex of Krasnoyarsk regional administration, Committee on Land Management, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Krasnoyarsk region. In 2009 was appointed as a director of the KSU "Directorate on complex development of Lower Angara region." Last place of work - the first deputy director of "TGI" Krasnoyarskgrazhdanproekt. "

Awards and titles: "Honored Builder of Russia", "Honored geodesist of the Russian Federation"

Marital status: married, has two sons.