
​Alexander Pushkin's «The Blizzard» production will be presented by two Krasnoyarsk ensembles: the Otkrytiye Serdtsa (Open Hearts) Theatre-Studio and the Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra under the direction of a renowned Krasnoyarsk music conductor Mikhail Benyumov.

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«The Blizzard» is part of Pushkin's 'The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin' series. We all read them at school at some point, but for most of us they were incomprehensible and unimportant. For me, this is a masterpiece of world literature. And we want to show that the classics are never boring, – says the director of the play Vasily Selyukov

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Otkrytiye Serdtsa Theatre-Studio was created by the Krasnoyarsk regional public organization of parents for the protection of the rights of children with disabilities of the same name. The project is known for a variety of productions, such as the Nutcracker's Christmas Story.

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Nine numbers from the orchestral suite "Musical illustrations to Pushkin's The Blizzard", written by the composer Georgy Sviridov, will be accompanying the play. An arrangement of musical numbers was made especially for the performance. The orchestra will be conducted by Leonid Zhukovsky.
